Grace. It's how You are. It's Your posture toward people. The way You treat them. By nature, You are inclined to be kind to undeserving people: that is grace. Grace is the way You relate to us. We are going to chronically fall short, and You know that and are inclined in the deepest part of Your being to be generous towards us. Beyond that, You always remember that we are dust, and You know that life falls heavy on us, and You offer help to us. As our God, You are constantly calling us to impossible things and putting us into situations that are too complex, too painful, too overwhelming, and too big for us (You Yourself are too big for us.). But every time You call us to the impossible, You offer us grace: the supernatural enabling to follow through on every good endeavor that You have purposed for us. It is supernatural help though it often comes in the most ordinary of ways. And at the end of the day, it is going to be You Yourself who comes to us and is Enough for us at every turn: that is grace. And it is how You are toward Your own.
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