Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Drink Deeply

The most jubilant exultations in and exaltations of the mercies of God flow from extended contemplation of His majestic, inexorable holiness. I am convinced that is it impossible to rightly value God's grace, forgiveness, love, generosity, etc. without first seeing and fearing His wrath, jealousy, zeal, truth, judgment, etc.

Who delights in mercy when there was nothing to fear? Does gratitude spring from a smug heart? Can forgiveness and acceptance seem so sweet to one unaware of and complacent in his own idolatry and adultery toward the Most High God? No, it is the gaze of the soul on the holiness and burning right-ness of God that causes the heart to melt in wonder that we are not consumed. This is why we embrace with reverence and awe the Consuming Fire who is also compassionate Savior, faithful Spirit, and Father of mercies.

The soul with little exposure the blazing fire of holiness will only casually sip the waters of compassion, but the soul that knows the scorching, burning heat of righteousness will drink deep draughts of grace. The justice, wrath, and purity of God lead the Spirit-illumined soul to bathe in the mercies of God.
(originally posted 7/9/2012)

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