Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ps. 23:6

"...surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever."
I had never thought much about this verse until last week, but as I was praying through some things, the Lord reminded me of it, and caused me to think about it. The goodness and mercy of God will follow me...pursue my steps. It is not just that I will occasionally experience kindness from God. And it is not that when I am "right" with Him, He will manifest His grace and favor. No, the reality is that the goodness and mercy of God will literally haunt my life. I will be unable to escape the determination of God to shed His love abroad in my life.
How does this thought impact you?
For me it does two main things:
1. It comforts me--all my days will be hedged about with the gracious kindness of God, and in eternity I will live forever with Him.
2. It breaks me--who wants to fight against a God whose heart is like that towards you?
May you be comforted and broken by the character and love of God for you.
There is no one like Him.

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