Monday, May 13, 2019

From the Coffee Shop Window

“It’s snowing,” reports my brain.
The corner of my eye had caught the motion of graceful white flakes drifting towards the earth.

Hearing this, my soul lights up and instinctively half-turns to welcome the wonder of falling snow.

From somewhere in another corner of my brain, a grumpy realist voice rasps, “It's sunny and May. It’s not even snowing. You know that. What are you thinking?”

Conflicted, my soul stops in its tracks and throws a questioning glance toward my eye: the resident data collector.

Eye, suddenly defensive, glances out the window to verify its initial observation.



We were all right. It IS snowing, but not snow-snow. Small white petals from the crab-apple tree outside the window gently waft downward, coaxed by the light breeze.

Beautiful. Wonder-full.

And even the realist, too pleased to monologue, dances with delight.

Image by Alois Grundner from Pixabay